Why is recital so important?

This is a question I have gotten a lot over the years at FCAD! I think it's a question that every studio gets. For families who aren't very familiar with the dance industry yet, it can be a very valid question.
"I really just want my daughter to take classes. I don't think we are in to recital. I don't think she's ready for recital." I've heard this a couple of times and I usually smile and give my professional opinion and steer them in the same direction I always do! So here it goes...
First, let me explain why dance classes are important! This is, in fact, the very thing that I spend my days doing. Here are a few things that week to week classes can teach:
Pre-School & Elementary Dancers
1. Turn taking
2. Socialization
3. Gross motor & fine motor skills
4. Increased imagination & creativity
5. Concentration
6. Confidence
Elementary-Adult Dancers
1. ALL of the above!
2. Increased flexibility & range of motion
3. Discipline
4. Increased coordination & balance
5. Poise & posture
Don't all of these sound fabulous? But, it doesn't stop there! There are still so many valuable things to be learned through dance that reach far beyond classes. Check out these lessons gained from participating in recital:
1. A lot of confidence!~ It is tough performing in front of hundreds of people!
2. Working under pressure & nerves~ Dancers are always nervous! Recital teaches them to process their nerves and still perform well. Can you imagine what that will prepare them for in the future? Public speaking will become a lot easier!
3. An end goal~ We work hard all year long and recital is our end goal. Dancers learn how to commit to their class or team in order to make their end goal beautiful! They finally get to see all of their hard work pay off and they see a sense of accomplishment!
4. Memories~ The memories shared at recital are priceless! Parents, students and teachers share memories that they will remember for many years to come!
My son is a baseball player. The lessons he's learning in this team sport are amazing! He doesn't even realize the life lessons he's getting each day through the sport but, as his mom and someone who has made a career out of instructing children, I know what he's getting. Just as the same advice I give to other moms, I would never think of just sending him to baseball practice but not participating in the games! There's an "end goal" at the end of all those practices and lessons to be learned that practices just cannot teach.
Let me share a "secret" with you...if a child is ready for dance class, they are ready for recital. Children are capable of far more than we give them credit for!
I am looking forward to getting a new dance year started and our 12th annual recital! Are you ready? Join us!
Always dancing,
Mrs. Christina